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Upcoming Meetings


Our meetings are on the second Thursday of each month (with some exceptions) and take place at the Burlington Library.  A business meeting begins at 6:30 with a garden-related program beginning at 7 p.m.

A graduate of the New York Botanical Garden School of Professional Horticulture, Tom

Christopher has been designing and maintaining gardens with an environmental emphasis for

more than four decades.  He’s the author of more than a dozen books, including Garden

Revolution, the award-winning introduction to ecological gardening that he co-authored with

Larry Weaner.  Tom produces a weekly podcast and radio program, Growing Greener, that

broadcasts on 20 radio stations nationwide and downloads to 12,000 additional listeners every

month. He gardens with his wife Suzanne (an environmental scientist at Wesleyan University) in

the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts where they make vintage hard cider every fall from

heirloom apples.  This meeting will be Thursday, September 12 at the Burlington Library!

Join Burlington CT Garden Club

Burlington Garden Club New Member Information 


Name   ____________________________________


Address   __________________________________


Phone   ____________________________________


Email   ____________________________________


Skill Level: (check one)






Perennials Vegetables 

Annuals Garden Design 




Do you have horticultural skills that you can share with us or teach? 


What would you like to learn about?

Don't miss out on the fun and fulfillment that comes with being a part of Burlington CT Garden Club. send us your information to become a member today and start exploring the world of gardening with us.

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